On Monday, February 11, transgender fashion designer, actress and former America's Next Top Model star Isis King debuted her much-anticipated collection titled, "The Goldest winter Ever," at a runway show in New York. The show featured former ANTM stars Camille McDonald, Naima Mora, Brittany Browe, Keenyah Hill & Sheena Saki, all of whom came to support Isis by modeling her collection. Those attending included fashion editors, bloggers, Erica Mena of the VH1 reality television show Love & Hip Hop, Kelly Linton of Oxygen's Brooklyn 11223, Angelina Pivarnick of MTV's Jersey Shore, and Tanyka Renee of MTV's Lingerie Football League. All photos are by Champion Eye Media.
Isis studied fashion design at the Arts Institute of Philadelphia before going on to become the first transgender woman to star in America's Next Top Model. She was honored in Out Magazine's Out 100 list of 2012, and recently starred in the independent film Hello Forever, which was shot in the Philippines. Isis was also the first transgender model to be featured by American Apparel in the company's ad campaign for LGBT pride.
You can find out more about Isis King's work and see her designs at www.kingisis.com.