In a new video promoting their highly-anticipated film adaptation of the novel Cloud Atlas, Lana and Andy Wachowski appeared alongside co-director Tom Tykwer (Run Lola Run, Three) to discuss their passion for the project.
Since at least 2010, media outlets including the New York Times and the Hollywood Reporter have referred to the siblings as Lana and Andy Wachowski. However, the notoriously press-shy Wachowski's rarely give interviews or appear on video. Therefore, the new online video promoting Cloud Atlas is the first time many people have noticed that Lana has spent the past several years transitioning.
The Wachowskis experienced success with the Matrix trilogy, though LGBT audiences may also know them for their debut film Bound, which received the award for Outstanding Film - Wide Release at the 8th Annual GLAAD Media Awards. They also co-wrote V for Vendetta which was nominated for Outstanding Film - Wide Release at the 18th Annual GLAAD Media Awards. Their latest film, Cloud Atlas, is scheduled for release on October 26. You can see the directors discussing the film in the below video.