Despite some progress, the stories of undocumented immigrants, at least 267,000 of whom are LGBT, remain largely missing from the media landscape. And as a result, prejudice and ignorance have gone unchallenged. To continue the momentum that many LGBT undocumented immigrant activists created, today the Center for American Progress (CAP) launched, a new platform aimed at increasing support among the LGBT community and its allies for a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants.
In addition to featuring stories of LGBT undocumented immigrants told from their own perspectives, news and educational resources for supporters, the website also offers the LGBT community and its allies a way to "come out" for citizenship by signing a pledge:
“I stand in support of immigration reform that puts 11 million Americans-in-waiting, including more than 267,000 LGBT people on the path to citizenship. I believe Congress must act now to enable LGBT undocumented immigrants to become full and equal participants in our society.”
At GLAAD we believe that it is important to tell to our stories—whether we are LGBT or immigrants or both–because when we don't, we remain invisible, and prejudice and ignorance go unchallenged. Over the years many LGBT undocumented immigrant activists have utilized the internet and social media to elevate their stories and fill the gap in visibility. shares the stories of undocumented LGBT immigrants “living in a double closet”, and the challenges this community faces every day – whether it’s discrimination in employment or separation from partners because of their legal status and laws that discriminate against same-sex couples.
How you can support today:
- Take the pledge to come out in support of a pathway to citizenship for undocumented immigrants!
- Watch the video and share it on Facebook and Twitter!
- Visit the new website, which includes new research from The Williams Institute at UCLA that examines the LGBT undocumented population, an infographic on the LGBT undocumented population in the United States, and the CAP report Living in Dual Shadows: LGBT Undocumented Immigrants.
- Spread the word on Twitter:
- I'm #out4citizenship! 11 million Americans-in-waiting, including 267,000+ #LGBT people, need a road to citizenship
- 267,000+ people are both #LGBT and undocumented. Show your support for them and come #out4citizenship here!