Last week, Love Free or Die– the story of the first openly gay bishop Gene Robinson – was denied a family-approved rating by the Dove Foundation, a family film reviewer. Join us to send a message to The Dove Foundation to tell them Love Free or Die is appropriate family viewing.
The Dove Foundation reviews films, videos, and books through the lens of "family friendliness." Their reviews are republished and often promoted by films seeking a family audience. However, they are showing that for the Dove Foundation, "family friendly" does not include LGBT families.
GLAAD is partnering with Groundswell to support frank and honest discussions about LGBT people in faith communities and families. Love Free or Die shares a message that all of our families and children need to explore together: that our faiths and values teach us to love each other and our neighbors, no exceptions.
Click here to tell The Dove Foundation to "Family-Approve" Love Free or Die.
"The film inspires conversations about love and commitment, faith and God, equality and dignity, that make our families stronger, and lay the foundation for our children to grow up as people of faith and values," said petition founder, The Rev. Ellen Tillotson. "Now, as a family film reviewer that writes their reviews based on Judeo-Christian values, the Dove Foundation has the opportunity to say that movies like Love Free or Die, which show loving families, gay and straight, are faith- and family-approved."
The Dove Foundation exercises its power by narrowing the choices for parents deciding what films are appropriate for their children. In addition to focusing on content, such as violence, language, and sexual situations, it is deciding for its viewers what constitutes a family.
"Bishop Gene Robinson is a loving father, a devoted husband, and a leader within the Christian church," said Ross Murray, GLAAD's Director of News and Faith Initiatives. "To label his story inappropriate for families is to deny those families the opportunity to watch together and discuss as a family what it means to treat all people with dignity, honor, and respect."
Help us stand up to the Dove Foundation by supporting Love Free or Die!
Add your name to the hundreds that are voicing their support for family friendly visibility of LGBT people through the groundbreaking film Love Free or Die. Sign and share.
Tell The Dove Foundation to "Family-Approve" Love Free or Die
GLAAD is in partnership with Wolfe Video, the distributer of Love Free or Die. Until April 15, Wolfe will donate a complimentary DVD of Love Free or Die to anyone who makes a contribution to GLAAD of $100 or more. The funds raised go directly to GLAAD's work to lead the conversation for LGBT equality.