Just after the Oregon Supreme Court approved language for a proposed measure, the Oregon family council announced that it would drop its petition to put Initiative Petition 52, which would allow businesses to create exception to the state’s anti-discrimination laws and refuse service to LGBT customers, on the ballot.
Mike Marshall, campaign manager for Oregon United Against Discrimination, released a statement, praising the news. “We are thrilled that the Oregon Family Council has suspended their IP 52 effort, likely realizing Oregonians wouldn’t support a measure that would allow discrimination.”
Over 160 businesses, including Google, Nike, Columbia Sportswear, the Portland Timbers, PGE, and Alaska Airlines, announced that they officially oppose the anti-LGBT measure. 64 of the businesses have already taken out ads stating their position.
“Thanks to the incredible outpouring of early opposition to this measure—more 462 organizations and leaders, including 190 businesses and 167 faith leaders have joined the Oregon United Against Discrimination coalition—Oregonians have realized that this measure would allow businesses to discriminate against people because of who they are and whom they love," Marshall stated. "And discrimination is just wrong.”
Oregon United Against Discrimination stated putting out ads, including one featuring civil rights leader Kathleen Saadat.