Crown Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil of India is the world's only out member of royalty, and Frontiers LA gave us a glimpse into what his life is like.
After coming out to his 650-year-old family dynasty, Crown Prince Manvendra Singh Gohil of India was disowned and burned in effigy, but now he marches proudly and works to save others in a country that has newly criminalized homosexuality.
Riches, class, status, even two appearances on Oprah and international notoriety—all faded away as gays from across the globe recognized themselves in each other. Though Manvendra was, in fact, different from the tuxedoed crowd, having bucked a 650-year-old dynasty to come out, an understanding of shared inner agony quietly reverberated behind the applause. And here, on this stage, Prince Manvendra presented a portrait of fighting for self-empowerment while armed with empathy and humor.
“I am still enjoying the monopoly position as the world’s only openly gay royal. I hope I find a competitor soon,” Manvendra said to much laughter. Other royals, he added, have “confided in me. But they are still feeling shy about coming out of the closet. So I remain the only one as of now. Sometimes it makes me wonder whether I’m really the prince or a queen.”