The Weinstein Company has released the first official trailer for The Imitation Game, a film about Alan Turing who was the genius and closeted mathematician leading the team that cracked the German Enigma Code during World War II. The film was directed by Morten Tyldum and stars Benedict Cumberbatch as Turing, Keira Knightley as his fellow code-breaker Joan Clarke, Matthew Goode, Mark Strong and Rory Kinnear. Watch the trailer below:
Turing is known as a pioneer of modern-day computing and is credited with cracking the German Enigma code and contributing to the production of the first computer. During World War II, he became part of Britain's top-secret code-breaking center and his contributions significantly shortened the war and saved countless lives. Turing eventually became a victim of an unenlightened British establishment when he was prosecuted for being gay and ultimately took his own life. Nonetheless, he is undoubtedly one of the most legendary and influential computer scientists in history.
The Imitation Gamewill premiere as the opening film at the 58th annual BFI London Film Festival on October 8. It will be released in the US on November 21.