Model Andreja Pejic has seen a flood of support on Twitter after Pejic shared her experience as a transgender woman. GLAAD worked with the acclaimed model as she prepared to tell her story to the world. Pejic, who has appeared on covers of Elle and French Vogue, announced that she will only be modeling women's fashion going forward and that her agency supports her transition. She also told the press that she is supported by her family in Australia and friends around the world.
Laverne Cox, Janet Mock, Jamie Clayton and GLAAD co-chair Jennifer Finney Boylan were among those who took to Twitter to show their support for Pejic after she shared her story. Check out some of the tweets below and retweet some of your favorites:
@andrejapejic congrats on publicly claiming your truth as a trans woman. You're now part of a resilient, beautiful & mighty sisterhood.
— Laverne Cox (@Lavernecox) July 25, 2014
Sending love to @andrejapejic as she steps fwd publicly as a #trans woman. Welcome to the sisterhood!
— Janet Mock (@janetmock) July 25, 2014
“@glaad: Model @andrejapejic comes out publicly as a #transgender woman” #BOOM#MAJOR
— Jamie Clayton (@MsJamieClayton) July 25, 2014
@andrejapejic CONGRATULATIONS MY LOVE!! Welcome to the club! #ClubT#MembersOnly ALL MY LOVE! XO
— Jamie Clayton (@MsJamieClayton) July 25, 2014
Huge shout out to @andrejapejic and thanks for her honesty and grace. @glaad helped prepare her for the unveiling.
— Jenny B. (@JennyBoylan) July 25, 2014
Congrats to @andrejapejic on embracing & sharing her truth:
— Jen Richards (@SmartAssJen) July 24, 2014
Much LOVE to @andrejapejic! Happy for you! @glaad
— Wilson Cruz (@wcruz73) July 25, 2014
So much SQUEE for @andrejapejic, who just came out as trans. Great interview at STYLE.
— Laurie Penny (@PennyRed) July 25, 2014