Thirty Roman Catholic and Evangelical leaders have come together to issue a statement opposing marriage equality in the upcoming March issue of First Things Journal. Drafted by the group Evangelicals and Catholics Together (ECT), the statement named "The Two Become One Flesh: Reclaiming Marriage" condemns the marriage equality in the United States. The statement has received strong support from Southern Baptist Leaders such as Timothy George, Rick Warren, and Daniel Akin.
According to the Baptist Press, the statement equates marriage equality as a "graver threat" than either "widespread cohabitation" or "easy acceptance of divorce" saying:
“We must say as clearly as possible, that same-sex unions, even when sanctioned by the state, are not marriages. Christians who wish to remain faithful to the Scriptures and Christian tradition cannot embrace this falsification of reality, irrespective of its status in law,"
Despite the ECT's statement claiming opposition to marriage equality on behalf of Catholic and Evangelicals, many Roman Catholics and Evangelicals strongly support same sex marriage. Research from the Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) shows that, as of 2011, 58% of Roman Catholics in the U.S. favor the legalization of same-sex marriage. Meanwhile Evangelical leaders also show their support. Rachel Held Evans is a prominent Evangelical columnist and writer who has endorsed same-sex marriage. Matthew Vines and his book "God and the Gay Christian" also supports the battle for marriage equality within the church.
"The Two Become One Flesh: Reclaiming Marriage" statement from the ECT and its leaders negatively portrays the more accepting response from Roman Catholics and Evangelicals towards their LGBT church members. However with Evangelical leaders such as Rachel Held Evans, Matthew Vines, and church congregants themselves, positive steps are still being made. To learn more news about LGBT and allied people of faith or GLAAD's involvement with religion and faith, click here.