Acclaimed Australian film 52 Tuesdays opens this Friday, March 27, at Quad Cinema in New York City. The directorial debut of Sophie Hyde, 52 Tuesdays tells the story of 16-year-old Billie as her mother announces plans to transition and their relationship becomes limited to spending Tuesdays together. The film had its US premiere at the 2014 Sundance Film Festival, where it won the World Cinema Dramatic Directing Award, and was shown earlier this month at a screening moderated by GLAAD's Senior Strategist Dani Heffernan in New York City. Check out the trailer below:
In an interview with Claire Pires, GLAAD's Video & News Strategist, Hyde spoke about how 52 Tuesdays came about. The film, which was shot only on Tuesdays for an entire year, developed as part of a collaboration between Hyde and co-writer, Matt McCormack. The duo wanted to find characters that "embodied the promise of change" and "were familiar but not necessarily people who we see a lot of on screen." With these two ideas, Hyde and McCormack created characters Billie (Tilda Cobham-Hervey) and James (Del Herbert-Jane) and delved into their journey of discovering who they are and what they want.
The team behind 52 Tuesdays has also launched a companion project, a free app called "My 52 Tuesdays," available on iOS and Android. Every Tuesday, actor Tilda Cobham-Hervey posts a question to the app and encourages users to submit a photo with their response, creating 52 snapshots throughout the year. For more information on the film, including international release dates, head to 52 Tuesdays' website.