This morning, Netflix released the first trailer for the new comedy Grace and Frankie. The 13-episode half hour series focuses on archenemies Frankie (out actress Lily Tomlin) and Grace (Jane Fonda) who find their lives changed completely and permanently entangled after their husbands Sol and Robert (Sam Waterston, Martin Sheen) announce they are in love with each other and plan to marry. All 13 episodes of Grace and Frankie premiere on Netflix May 8, check out the trailer below.
Netflix's hit comedy Orange is the New Black, about the diverse cast of inmates at a women's prison, returns for its third season on June 12 with thirteen new episodes and the season trailer is out now! The trailer includes a first peek at a new inmate played by out actress Ruby Rose, a new storyline for trans inmate Sophia (played by trans actress and advocate Laverne Cox), the return of Alex Vause, and a new style for Big Boo. Check out the trailer below and don't miss all thirteen new episodes of Orange is the New Black on June 12.