The solution to making marriage equality in Ireland might be the most obvious, but also one that requires commitment: Vote yes at on the initiative on Friday May 22. Whether because university students are enthralled in exam time, or because folks assume securing marriage equality is essentially a done-deal, turning up to vote is not necessarily atop every potential voter's to-do list.
To help ensure folks turn out to show their support for marriage equality, here are some tips for Irish voters to hold each other accountable, in order to ensure same-sex couples can live the lives they love:
- Listen to and share Brighid and Paddy, everyone's favorite 50-years-married Catholic grandparents, in their latest video about why they support the LGBT community
“Make sure that you read the facts and ignore the distractions”, Brighid says in the video, “Bring your family and friends with you to the polling station and tick YES on the white sheet of paper.”
- Upload a photo or video with your polling card to let your friends know you've voted, and tag your friends to challenge them to vote, too
- Prebook a free cab to the polling station through the Hailo app as part of the #DriveForEquality promotion
- Make a plan with your friends about how to get to the right polling stations and hold each other accountable for following through – you can even go in groups!
- Share this post and tag all your friends in Ireland
- Use the hashtag #VoteWithUs to spread the word about why it's important to vote yes for marriage equality on May 22
- Visit to learn about the referendum, watch videos of support (including one from GLAAD President & CEO Sarah Kate Ellis), and more
- Vote "YES" to support marriage equality in Ireland on Friday, May 22
As part of GLAAD's Global Voices program, GLAAD continues to work closely with Vote With Us to ensure that marriage equality becomes a reallity across the globe.