The upcoming Netflix original series Sense8, co-created by Lana and Andy Wachowski, has released character trailers for transgender lesbian blogger/hacker Nomi (trans actress Jamie Clayton) and closeted telenovela star Lito (Miguel Ángel Silvestre). Audiences also get a peek at Nomi's girlfriend Amanita (Freema Agyeman) as the couple head to San Francisco Pride, and Lito's boyfriend Hernando (Alfonso Herrera).
The globe-spanning story follows eight strangers who learn they have a mysterious connection that allows them to access each other's' experiences, skills, and emotions. All 12 episodes of Sense8 will be available on Netflix on June 5, check out Nomi and Lito's trailers below.
Sense8 premieres on Netflix June 5.
May 28, 2015