Anti-LGBT group "One Million Moms" is attacking two new inclusive television ads by Chobani and Tylenol. The ads, which feature same-sex couples and their families, recently debuted to wide acclaim from news media, advertising trades, and the vast majority of fair-minded Americans who support LGBT families.
"Chobani should be ashamed of their latest commercial for attempting to normalize sin," the anti-LGBT group writes on its website. "The ad states, 'To Love this Life is to Live it Naturally.' There is nothing natural about homosexuality."
Of the Tylenol spot, "One Million Moms" writes, "Tylenol is glorifying all modern family types by stating a family is based on love not traditional marriage, and then showing gay couples with their children. One Million Moms believes family is based on love, but this does not justify normalizing sin."
"One Million Moms" is also calling on anti-LGBT people to contact Chobani and Tylenol to urge the companies to pull the inclusive ads off the air. Don't let hate be louder than love -- tweet your thanks to Chobani and Tylenol below.
Send your thanks to Chobani and Tylenol for including all loving families in their advertising.