The documentary Married and Counting, narrated by George Takei, about gay couple Pat Dwyer and Stephen Mosher who celebrate their 25th anniversary by travelling the country to marry in every state that will legally allow them to do so, opened in Los Angeles on June 14. Watch the trailer below.
Married and Counting will be available nationwide on iTunes next Tuesday, June 25. The film will also be screened in several cities throughout the summer. Check out the full list of screenings here.
The message behind Married and Counting is more relevant than ever as we draw closer to the United States Supreme Court announcing decisions on two issues critical to marriage equality - the so-called "Defense of Marriage Act" and California's Proposition 8. Learn more about what's at stake in these decisions at and find a Day of Decision rally near you!
Keep up to date with all screening announcements through the film's Facebook page.