The Bay Area Reportermade visible the struggles of LGBT Latino seniors in an article this week. They talked to long time community advocate Jorge Rodriguez who sits on the LGBT Aging Policy Task Force. Rodriguez stated that although he is "…a lucky guy. I have family and friends. I am retired and lucky to be living here at a time when everything is expensive," he knows that is not the case for others. A report cited in the piece breaks out the lower rates of being out, the lower rates of home ownership and the challenges in accessing safe, affordable housing that allows LGBT Latino seniors to be out and accepted as they age.
Other cities are beginning to craft solutions to ensure that LGBT seniors of all colors have access to housing, programming and care that is appropriate and affirming.
In Los Angeles, the Gay and Lesbian Center has launched a program for Latino LGBT seniors.
In Philadelphia, a new LGBT senior housing project opened last year.
How is your community taking care of LGBT seniors? Do the plans include seniors of color?
How is your community taking care of LGBT seniors? Do the plans include seniors of color?
April 4, 2014