As November 6 approaches, advocates for marriage equality in Maine, Maryland, and Washington are working hard to ensure that ballot questions that would legalize marriage for gay and lesbian couples pass, while supporters in Minnesota work hard to ensure that inequality is not enshrined in their state constitution in the form of a ban on marriage equality.
Social media is playing a major role in the campaigns in the four states, with several ads being produced. However, videos are also being shared across social media platforms to motivate supporters and voters. We’ll list a sampling of them below:
Last year, Shane Bitney Crone lost Tom, his partner of six years, in an accident. Because he and Tom were not married, Shane was not allowed into the hospital to see Tom after the accident, he had no right to have a say in Tom’s funeral, and was banned from attending by Tom’s family. Had the couple been able to marry – something they had hoped to do – Shane would have had the opportunity to mourn the loss of the love of his life knowing that he was seen as more than Tom’s roommate. In response to his devastating experience, Shane posted a video on Youtube, called “It Could Happen to You,” describing the pain he suffered after Tom’s accident, and how marriage recognition could have mitigated some of his devastation. Now, Shane is supporting marriage measures in four states:
The Four is an effort to support marriage equality in the four states with ballot initiatives next month through digital media. Their content features artists, celebrities, and other familiar faces who support marriage equality. Supporters come from a variety of backgrounds, but every person featured believes that marriage equality is right for the United States, from 50 Cent to Laura Bush.
The Four, along with New Left Media, has also produced videos for each of the states in which marriage equality will be a ballot issue. The videos feature couples, some of whom have been together for over 35 years, as well as campaign volunteers and adult children of gay and lesbian parents talking about why marriage equality is important to them.
Personal stories can help undecided voters understand why marriage equality matters and why voters in Maine, Maryland, and Washington are hopeful that marriage equality will become a reality in their states, while supporters in Minnesota hope to avoid enshrining inequality in their state’s constitution. With under two weeks until the election, please share these stories of why marriage equality matters.